Detectives West and Lafayette

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TUMB 06/7, 14 These two detectives were the first to put together the idea that the three horrible murders were that of a serial killer, of the horrible killings by Sample XJ422, Red Eyes, in Las Vegas. They filled out a Bounty Request form, filed it, and Red Eyes was designated as a Level Four bounty (See character Red Eyes, Sample XJ422). Brownstone sees the report, and decides to follow up, as he wasn't doing much there besides eating BBQ.

West and Lafayette go to Anders Lab, a lead from a business card they found in one of the victim's pockets, and got nowhere. They go to Brownstone, who had been involved in another minor police episode, and talk to him about Red Eyed. Brownstone goes to an information broker, who tells him Red eye is in Rancho Charleston, and they do not find him there, so he goes to Zoe, to find out how to gety a ,magical information tracker. Zoe gives him a tip that a being at the Golden Nugget, Margarette, would be able to help him, so he goes there, and finds that she is a magical water being. But she would need something from the culprit, DNA, or - ??? to be able to do it. Brownstone goes toi West and Lafayette, to ask them to allow him to have some of Red Eye's blood, and they do say he can use it, if they can go with him to where it will be used, and by whom. so they all go to see Margarette. She does her magic, and on the top of the vial of Fed Eye's blood there appears an arrow, that will point in his direction, and get brighter as they get closer.

They follow the arrow, and end up back at Anders Lab. Brownstone calls Peyto, who sends him plans of the building, and information on the lab , and James and the police kill Red-Eyes.