Leira's Families

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TLC 02/6


Craig, Mike, Margaret, Scott, all regulars at the Bar, where Leira is the official bouncer. (Pays her rent money). As in any regular group, they have an allegiance to each other, and will "watch your back" if anyone is in trouble. The group also had formed a bowling team, the Pin Pushers. It was on a bowling night that Leira's magic first manifested itself in public, when she tried to pick up a spare. It was that on night that she found out about the Silver Griffin, and their maintenance monitorship of magic on Earth.

AT LAVENDER ROCK Correk takes Leira to a local kemana, Lavender Rock, where she can feel the Earth's energies, recharge, and also meet any group of magic people who might be there. Leira does, indeed, relate to the Earth, feeling an exponential expression of her magic's energies. Goes to top of rock to ,meet others who are there, who also have magical powers, and are also of mixed heritages, half Earthlings and half Oriceran. Meets Toni (first, glass of wine), Jim (liukes umfuck, gives him cheese), Mary Ellen, Molly, who likes to swear, Perry, Lucy and their twins Fran and Fern, Eric (the group's philosopher), and many others. Thet all adopt her, she feels comfortable around them, and also adopts them as her "tribe". They invite her to coming the Full Moon Party. she accpts.

AT FULL MOON PARTY Leira, Yumfuck and Correk