02 - Bury The Past, But Shoot It First

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Shay goes off on some interesting retrievals, some alone ( The Gold Locket, the Vinama Figurine, the bowl that creates zombies) and one with Brownstone (Rod of Supay). There is a lot more violence in this one mostly with Brownstone concerning the destruction of the Harriken and the rescue of Nicole. Shay starts to want to use magic to her own advantage, and goes on a quest for a rare mineral, adamantine, so that a Gnome will make her unbreakable knives. Another Tomb Raider tries to kill her through Peyton, and Peyton acquires a pet. There is beginning to be some duplication between this series and The Unbelievable Mr. Brownstone, and still enough individuality in the character of shay and her adventures as to be interesting in themselves.