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TUMB 01/1 HARRIKENS Local gang, Japanese, worst of any in the city. Had tried to kidnap Alison, foiled and beaten by Brownstone. They vowed vengeance, and killed/butchered his dog, Leeroy, leaving him on a platter for Brownstone to find. Brownstone had vowed vengeance on them all.

TUMB 01/9 Brownstone goes after the Harriken. Two guards stood upfront, armed with wakizashis and pistols. Like the Harriken he’d seen before, they wore dark suits, but hints of their extensive tattoos peeked out on their necks and hands.

TUMB 03/3 The Harriken might be considered criminals by many, but they were their own masters—not puppets to be pushed around, like the Graystone mercenaries (Had no honor. All mercenaries did was what they were told.) Cartwright demanded the bounty be paid. —”. Jiro pulled a sword out from underneath the desk and had the tip at Cartwright’s throat in a flash. “One cannot demand respect. One earns respect through actions and demonstrations of one’s willingness to pursue such actions.” Jiro dirtied himself by relying on such scum, but with the local forces depleted the Harriken needed any help they could find. He would remember this Cartwright’s arrogance for the future. Cartwright demanded the bounty, but the Harriken would not pay up without the body, or at least the head.