Estelle's Bar
TLC 01/2, et al
Business on Earth, home to Leira
On Rainey Street, Austin Tx. Small blue house, patio, guesthouse in back (rented to Leira, free, for bouncer services). String of white lights hanging from porch. Fenced, gated (private). Estelle liked having cops around (kept away the lower elements of the neighborhood). A weathered and faded long wooden bar. Battered old license plates from Estelle’s travels decorated the sides. Clusters of tiny white lights hung in bunches overhead. To even be considered a regular here, have to want to be a part of Leira's Society. That’s what they called themselves (Craig, Scott, Lucy, Mitzi and her schnauzer, Lemon, Paul, ). Like a family,” Lucy said. “An over-protective, Texas-sized family.” Secret from Leira.