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(Created page with "[[category:]] TUMB 06/1 A representative of Oriceran legal counsel, sent to talk to Queen Leana about the latest Drow activities on Earth (TUMB 06, She Is the Widow Maker)....")
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Latest revision as of 20:40, 10 July 2018


TUMB 06/1 A representative of Oriceran legal counsel, sent to talk to Queen Leana about the latest Drow activities on Earth (TUMB 06, She Is the Widow Maker). Queen Leana has no respect for him, but knows that to offend him would bring on war between the Drow and Oriceran. The Light elf likes to use human technology (hand-held computer) if it's convenient, which the Queen thinks is ridiculous. the Light Elf expresses Oriceran's current position with respect to Earth:

“It isn’t like the old days. There are enough open human magic users now that blatant disregard for their laws will end in them figuring it out. It’s not like they don't know about the World in Between. And don’t think we’ve not clearly established the use of portal and rift magic by your Drow. Do you think the humans are so stupid? Even if their laws and society haven’t caught up with all magic, their government knows what to look for. The only reason they are still clueless is that the consulate took measures. What do you think would happen if it became public that an Oriceran assassin was rampaging through a city murdering men with impunity and nearly killing police officers? You risked war, even after you were warned. Earth and Oriceran are now too linked to focus on how we used to do things. If we want a lasting peace, we must be mindful of everyone’s concerns. You can refuse to like that, but it doesn’t change the truth. “Peace? What do humans know about peace? Their history is nothing but constant warfare for the pettiest and most banal of reasons. Some of their leaders make Rhazdon look like a pacifist.” “Be that as it may, this is the reality all races must now contend with, even the Drow.”